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Technical data of acquisition
CCD Acquisition: Starlight Xpress
CCD Autoguide: SBIG ST 7 XME 402 E
Temperature of exercise -08°C
Optic configuration of the telescope:
W.O.Megrez SDII 80 mm.
F 555mm f/d 6,9 ( apograde TMB ) + focal reducer f 6,3 Meade.
Effective focal 352mm. f/d 4,4 frammed field 1,5 x 1,1 degrees
Equatorial Mount:
Gemini G 41 Observatory Plus and FS 2 system control
Total time for the
integration of luminance:
10 frames from 600 seconds every for a total of 100' of
with optic filter Astronomik CLS Profi
Software used for the acquisition and the elaboration:
CCDSoft, Ulead Gif Animator, Astroart,
Date of acquisition:
29 March
times give 21:15 to the hours 22:55 ( hour civil local )
Zone of acquisition:
Fixed posting of San Giuliano P.no ( Piacenza ) Italy
Author Astroimager:
Davide Romanini -
Other data "Asteroid 1817 Katanga" |
Basic object information for
29 mar 2008 21.15.28
1817 Katanga
Julian day number 2454555.38782
Magnitude: 15.0
Elongation: 128.6°
Distance: 1.2736 AU (190.5 million km)Radius vector: 2.0509 AU
(306.8 million km)
Horizontal parallax: 6.90"
Topocentric coordinates
Apparent coordinates for the epoch of date:
Right ascension: 12h 18m 35.6s
Declination: +47° 29' 50"
Constellation: Canes Venatici
. |
Discovery: 20 June 1939
Classification: bandages principal
Alternative designations: 1939 MB |
Orbital parameters
( Epoch of
reference K 0 7 4 A ) |
Greater semiaxis:2,3713440 UA
Eccentricity: 0,1915758
Longitude ofthe ascending knot: 88,80801°
Argom.of the perihelium 140,50920°
Middle anomaly: 226,94923° |
Gives physical |
Middle diameter: 15,9 Km
Period of rotation:6,35h
Inclin. of the axis on the ecliptic: 25,73125°
Albedo: 0,1331dd |